Hell in Vrindavan

"In Vrindavan Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur asked his sannyasi disciple to explain about the pure devotion of Prahlad Maharaja, shuddha-bhakti, from Bhagavatam, and not to indulge in describing the pastimes of Krishna and the Gopis and others—because it is too high. We must begin from the first plane of Bhakti, and madhura rasa, that is above—pujala raga-patha gaurava-bhange, that is high, high. The sahajiya imitationists have taken that down into this plane and created mundane rasa in Vrindavan. He meant to discourage them—what you are doing in Vrindavan, thinking you are a Gopi and someone is Krishna—it is all false, wrong—it is all hell. You have created a hell in Vrindavan.

"Begin from ABC, shuddha-bhakti, Prahlad, then go step by step, to the higher devotional realm. And in between Shyama-kunda and Radha-kunda, at that barrier, he himself, Srila Saraswati Thakur, use to explain the Upadeshamrta of Rupa Goswami and not any 10th canto, any Radha-Krishna Lila, but Upadeshamrta [which is really 11 instructions given by Mahaprabhu put in form by Rupa Goswami]. He explained himself there, and we were the listeners, the audience."

—Conception by Srila Sridhar Maharaja