Human Calculation vs. Intuition of Devotion

Srila Sridhar Maharaja in response to the question why Srila Saraswati Thakur (Surya Siddhanta Saraswati), the expert astrologer, would defer to Bhaktivinode Thakur, who followed the calculations of P.N. Bachi.

Sraddha is more than calculative truth. Through faith, sraddha, we can know the truth. The practice of great souls, mahajanas is more valuable than human calculation. Physical truth, material truth does not have so much value. After all, it is based on false attitude of mind. So this truth should not be given greater respect than the intuitive practices of a pure devotee. The intuition of a pure devotee should be given preference over the calculation of the ordinary persons here.

Faith has got no connection with the actual so-called reality of this world. It is completely independent: sraddha mayoyam loka. There is a world which is guided only by faith. Faith is everything here. And that is of infinite nature: all-accomodating. The world of faith is all-accomodating. Anything and everything may be true there by the sweet will of the Lord.

And here, mundane calculation has got no value. It is inconclusive, and destructive in its ultimate goal. So it should be rejected. The knowledge that comes under the fallible calculation of the exploiting souls, has got no value whatsoever. In the World of the Infinite, faith is the standard, the only standard to move hither and thither. Just as the compass is the only director in the infinite ocean. When sailors cannot see anything else, the compass is their only guide. Like that. In the world of infinite…

svayam samuttirya sudustaram dyuman
bhavaranavam bhimam adabhra-sauhrdah
bhavat-padambhoruha-navam atra te
nidhaya yatah sad-anugraho bhavan

In Bhagavatam (10.2.31) it is mentioned that, like a compass, our only guide is the footsteps of those great personages that have traveled on the way. That should be our only guide. The way is marked by the holy footsteps of those that have gone to the highest quarter.