"Supply—Give me darshan!"

Srila Sridhar Maharaja: "Higher devotion never wants that Krishna will come and serve us. “Supply! Oh, give me darshan!” And He will come and give us darshan. To impose our whim on Him, this is not service proper. Whatever He likes He will do, and whatever is necessary from us, if we are given chance to supply that, we shall think ourselves fortunate.

We must exhaustively eliminate all our desires to the extreme, and fully place ourselves at the disposal of the Supreme Lord, who commands, and orders, and is never to carry out orders. Yoga-kshemam vahamy aham, His nature is eagerness to supply everything for His devotees, but devotees do not like that. Higher devotees don't like that Krishna will supply them with anything or serve them in any way. Pure devotion is like that.

Only through sraddha—faith—can he be known. Faith that He is my Lord. I don't want to have a darshan to satisfy my lower faculties, then I will believe "He exists!” That is very low class of faith: “If I can see Him, then I'm satisfied that He exists.” We have got no capacity to see him. We are not subjects—He is not an object. Higher faith, intense faith, proves that “He is, the Cause is!” All of the effects that we can see come from the Wonderful Cause of Everything.

Charvak, and the epicureans says there is no God, no higher substance. Whatever we see on the surface that is enough. But deeper faith, says that the cause is there from which everything is coming, and everything is maintained, and everything at last enters into Him. The cause is there. Only the effect is not everything, but cause is there. And what is the nature of the cause: some say Brahma [all accommodating consciousness], some say Paramatma [all pervasive consciousness], some say Bhagavan—God, destiner and designer of everything—who has created, and is controlling everything. Everything is automatically existing with Him, as His potency of a particular type.

Give up everything: sakal chadiya bhai sraddha devi... Give up everything and only try to keep faith and you will find everything is there. Everything is there: don't require any proof. That is lowness. It is unworthy and improper to search after proof—whether it is or not. Faith says, “Yes, He is!” Yo mam pasyati sarvatra: Everything is in Him and He is everywhere. What is His characteristic? What I'm searching for? Omkara is the seed of everything. The seed of theism is omkara. Om means “Yes.” A big Yes. Always, wherever I cast my glance, for whatever I am searching, in one word, “Yes,” what you are searching for, it is. You are searching for happiness, pleasure, joy, “That joy exists.” You are in want? What you want exists. You need fulfillment—you will be fulfilled! OM—YES!

So we should go to the devotees for faith. They are like so many pillars standing with faith. Electricity is everywhere, but there are so many dynamos that can generate electric power. So, there are so many devotees, past and present, with whom we can find real Godliness and they are standing like illuminating pillars of faith."